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Indonesia is diverse in its culture, and thus it results in the diversity of food from Sabang to Merauke. If you are to travel to this country or now travelling, here are 5 must try and eat food in Indonesia.

1. Rendang

This food is special as it's been nominated to be the most delicious food in the world. Rendang is made from beef, rich in spice and coconut milk, which is cooked for hours until it's juicy and savoury when bitten. It is typically served in RUMAH MAKAN PADANG or RUMAH MAKAN SEDERHANA, which are the special jargons for restaurants from West Sumatera, Indonesia. And these restaurana are spread in all parts of Indonesia.

💵: around Rp18,000 (around USD1.19)

2. Nasi goreng

It's steamed rice which is fried with eggs and spices. Tourists usually love this food. This food is served hot and eaten right after it's cooked, typically for breakfast, but sometimes it is served for dinner too. In warung, Nasi goreng is so cheap and the taste is usually much tastier than that in restaurants. Just personal opinion. 

💵: less than Rp18,000 (less than USD 1.19)

3. Ayam GEPREK

Indonesians love chilis and pepper. Ayam geprek is actually fried chicken, like KFC, which is smashed and eaten with chilies and raw veggies, such as cucumber and cabbage. The spicy levels vary depending on the customer order, you can get level one (not spicy), or level 5 (burning your mouth).

💵: around Rp25,000 (around USD 1.65)

4. Pempek

This food is from South Sumatera, Indonesia. It's sovory and sour at the same time, for me it's so yummy. It's like a fish cake which is enjoyed with sour broth. It's better to be served hot, as the fish cake gets hard when it's cool. Not recommended to be eaten in the morning, this dish suits your supper or lunch, or maybe just a Snack (?). 

💵: only Rp15,000

5. Sate

Sate is usually sold during night. This food is made from chicken or lamb chopped and grilled with soy sauce and other spices. What makes this food special is because its taste is uniqie, it's sweet, lil bit hot, savory and juicy at the same time. There are many types of sate too in this country, if you don't like one, you may try other kinds as the taste is different. There is one which is eaten with soy sauce, peanut sauce and soy sauce and also sate padang which has special broth made from turmeric and rice flour.

💵: Rp10,000-30,000 ( USD 0.6-USD2)


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H3y, teM4n" Q CemUa, pH4 kBar? Q b3Q" j4 AlhamduLillah Ihhhhhhh....... ALAY BANGET! Masih banget nulis campur-campur angka dan huruf kapitalnya sembarangan aja posisinya -__- But, anyway, temen-temen tahu nggak sih Bahasa Inggrisnya "alay" dan beberapa kata gaul dalam Bahasa Indonesia? Kalau temen-temen penasaran, please continue reading.  Wkwkwk udah kaya youtuber aja.


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