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Don't Be A Teacher Because We Can't Get Other Jobs

A teacher is an attention center.  What he wears,  what he smells,  what he speaks, says,  laughs at, and what he teaches are always the things students will imitate. Some students can trust a teacher more than anyone else even their own parents. Everything is a lesson for students without he actually says it.  Students inevitably learns and absorbs every single lesson the teacher consciously or unconsciously shows and performs.

Being a teacher is not easy. It needs intelligence,  wisdom, resellience, and sincerity.
Remember that it is not just a piece of cake to grab all those the criteria in our hands.  Yes,  nothing is improbable so long as we give a shot and keep upgrading ourselves. It is not just a tweet,  status,  or caption on our instagram. It shouldn't be taken for granted.  It should be a weapon for out motivation.  Media social is not a platform for our promotional emotion or feeling as no one needs it.

Back to main topic.

Students need the best role model to get into their best level of understanding,  lesson comprehension,  and behavior shaping.  They expect much to us,  they want us as their strongest wire to put them through their dream.  Whatever their dream is, yet again,  we can shape it.

Therefore,  what a huge impact a teacher can do to his around 100 students every year. 100 dreams which will never cease believing and ascending.

Hi teachers,  I know and understand the struggles of dealing kids with various behaviors. I acknowledge the stress of putting all our time and energy do lots of teaching preparation, tests, students' assignments, complaints, and some students who need special attention and treatment. However,  our quality does matter. Our performances value us. Yes, there is no perfect teacher, but Let's not be an ordinary!! 

Let's read, practice,  and listen a lot.  Let's be more intelligent by learning and reading many things.  Affect our students to be fond of reading,  loving and caring other living things, behaving and treating others nicely because even their smile can change someone's bad day.

Teach because we deserve to do it! Teach because we are extraordinary! 
Teach because not everyone can do what you do. You are awesome !!

Lots of Love, 


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