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H3y, teM4n" Q CemUa, pH4 kBar? Q b3Q" j4 AlhamduLillah

Ihhhhhhh....... ALAY BANGET! Masih banget nulis campur-campur angka dan huruf kapitalnya sembarangan aja posisinya -__-

But, anyway, temen-temen tahu nggak sih Bahasa Inggrisnya "alay" dan beberapa kata gaul dalam Bahasa Indonesia? Kalau temen-temen penasaran, please continue reading.  Wkwkwk udah kaya youtuber aja.

FYI, aku tulis informasi ini berdasarkan postingan "guruku Mr D" di Youtube. Mr D merupakan native speaker, ia sangat fasih berbahasa Indonesia juga, yang mana pasti sudah tidak diragukan lagi kebenaran terjemahan bahasa gaul berikut. So, temen-temen ngga perlu khawatir kalau ingin menggunakannya pas chattingan di grup Whatsapp, comment di IG teman tapi sayang, ngevlog, atau buat tulisan seperti aku pas GABUT gini. Apa lagi GABUT Bahasa Inggrisnya?? Jadi makin penasaran khaaaannnnn????

However guys, biar ada sumbangsih pikiran aku di tulisan ini, contoh kalimatnya akan aku buat sendiri. Oke, gas aja deh langsung.

1. ILFEEL = Turned off
You must be joking, he shouldn't have texted any girls in our class just out of the blue saying 'hi'. I am so turned off. 
I am turned off when she's wearing that strange outfit to school.

2. CABUT = Roll out
She rolled out already. You have none to look for here. Get lost!

3. ALAY= Rachet, Ghetto
They think  I am ghetto just because I write with mixing numbers and letters, like what I did at the beginning of this post. W3LL, I 4 m.

4. CAPER = Attention whore
I don't want to be too obvious that my awkwardness is because I am an attention whore. He's gonna be turned off.

5. NORAK = Cheesy, Tacky
My little sister just hit 16 this year. I can say that she's pretty cheesy. She'll post everything happens in her life on Snapchat and all our neighbors do know her daily routine.

5. BAPER= Butt hurt, Catch Feels
I am super excited when it comes to going to my workplace. I think I have been catching feels with my co-worker. 

6. GABUT= Got sod all to do
I write on blog because I often get sod all to do. Better than I stalk my neighbor's cook on Facebook.

7. PHP= Leading someone on
I never thought if he had led me on, I thought it was me who mistook how he treated me. I realized now that he was just being friendly.

8. TAJIR= Loaded
I know some super loaded people and they don't spend money that much compare to those who earn less. Maybe that's why they became loaded.

9. NGELES= Cop-out
Don't worry, buddies. Our friend, Petty, is a queen of copping out. She can make up a story to cover this mess. We won't be punished by our teacher.

10. GEBETAN= Prospect
Unlike me, everyone has at least one prospect. 

11. JONES= Hopelessly single
I have been hopelessly single for 6 years but no one seems interested in asking me out.  It'sokay, though.

12. CUPU= Snitch
X : Do you know that nerdy-look girl holding a cupcake over there. She didn't dare to swim in our one-metre pool.
Y: Such a snitch!

13. MAGER= Comatose 
I am kind of comatose when it rains. I even sometimes skip my class.

14. NONGKRONG= Chilling, Kick back
My friends  and I get used to chilling and having some decent meals and drinks at our favorite cafe.

15. GOMBAL= Pick-up line, Sweet line
I am not sure that I can catch some feels for your ordinary pick-up line. I need a wedding ring, actually.

16. PW= Comfy
I am comfy on this couch.  Feels like my boyfriend's laps.

17. KEKINIAN= Hip and trendy
Despite the song " Du Du Du" by Blackpink is truly hip and trendy, I've never watched it. I might write it wrong even.

18. BASI= Play out
We think we no longer use Twitter because it's been played out.

19. LABIL= Flakey
I keep convincing myself that I will post on this blog daily, but I am so flakey sometimes that I just break this promise. 

20. SOK TAU= Smart ass
X:I know what you guys think, you guys are staring at me like that because you think I stole Bett's lipstick, don't you? Well, I didn't.

Y:Take it easy, Milla. Don't be a smart ass because you aren't. Your lip cream stains on your teeth.

21. GARING, RECEH, JAYUS= Dad joke
Hey everyone, have you ever heard Vicky Prasetyo's jokes on any media e.g. Instagram, Youtube or probably TV? I found them all dad jokes. Those made me so cringy.

22. LEBAY= Extra
Do you remember the time you're saying that I was the most beautiful girl ever came to your life? Well, you'd better stop thinking that I had been trapped by your sweet talk as I had never been. I saw you and your another prospect chilling and snuggling at my family's cafe. Ups.. So, please don't be so extra in words. 

23. MODUS= Hidden agenda
We see all men who compliment girl at first sight have hidden agenda. You know what? It is not normal!

Owhh..... hey we've been reaching the last slang word, buddies:) Please practice these slang words by writing them into sentences on this comment section below. Hope you guys learn something and please share if you find my blog post useful. 

Tolong kasih saran ke aku, materi Bahasa Inggris apa yang temen-temen ingin aku membahasnya di blog ini.

Thanks a million, guys.


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