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Simple Past

Purpose           : It is used to say, tell, state, write vent(s) or activity(ies) happen in the past.

1 1. Nominal Sentence
Formula :
              Subject + tobe (was/were) +Adjective/ Noun/ Adverb

I, She, He, It   : was
You, We, They    : were

Simple Past Tense commonly uses the following adverbs of time:
-          Just now   (baru saja)

-          Yesterday             (kemarin)

-          Two days ago (2 hari yang lalu)

-          Last week (minggu lalu)

-          Two weeks ago (2 minggu yang lalu)

-          Last month           (bulan lalu)

-          Last year (tahun lalu)

-          Two years ago (dua tahun lalu)

a.       Mira was very pretty yesterday
b.      Dea and Gerry were active in school communities two years ago
c.       We were in the hospital last week
d.      I was a student 10 years ago
e.       Rina was a lazy student two years ago

22. Verbal Sentence
Remember that in verbal sentence, the sentence uses the verb other than the verb tobe. 
                Subject + Verb II + Complement

Verb 1                        Verb II
Study              studied
Walk                walked
Work               worked
Speak              spoke
Do                   did
See                  saw
Throw              threw

a.       I           did       my homework             yesterday
S          V                     Complement

b.      She did her homework yesterday
c.       They did their homework yesterday
d.      We spoke Spanish two years ago

If you want to change the past tense sentence into negative or interrogative, here is the way:
(+) She spoke Spanish two years ago
(-) She did not speak Spanish two years ago
(?) Did she speak Spanish two years ago?
            Yes, she did
            No, she did not/ No, she didn’t

Another example:
(+) I saw him yesterday in the park
(-) I did not see him yesterday in the park
(?) Did you see him yesterday in the park?
Yes, I did
No, I did not/ No,I didn’t


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10 Meme 'Rindu Itu Berat' dalam Film Dilan Kocak Abis

Sudah nonton film Dilan? Film Dilan diambil dari sebuah novel mahakarya Pidi Baiq dengan judul yang sama. Dengan alur cerita yang menarik, aktor dan aktris idola remaja masa kini, setting yang keren, plus script yang "NGENA" membuat film Dilan menjadi begitu viral, guys. Sosok Dilan digambarkan sebagai remaja yang cerdas dan juga puitis. Ada satu kata-kata Dilan di film ini yang dijadkan quote dan hits di media sosial. "Rindu itu berat, kamu takkan kuat, biar aku saja."


H3y, teM4n" Q CemUa, pH4 kBar? Q b3Q" j4 AlhamduLillah Ihhhhhhh....... ALAY BANGET! Masih banget nulis campur-campur angka dan huruf kapitalnya sembarangan aja posisinya -__- But, anyway, temen-temen tahu nggak sih Bahasa Inggrisnya "alay" dan beberapa kata gaul dalam Bahasa Indonesia? Kalau temen-temen penasaran, please continue reading.  Wkwkwk udah kaya youtuber aja.


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