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Grammar: Simple Present Tense

Purpose : to tell habits or facts

Simple Present Tense is divided into two: Nominal Sentence and Verbal Sentence

1. The Formula of Nominal Sentence

Subject + tobe (is/am/are) + Adjective/ Noun/ Adverb

I                        : am
You, We, They : are
She He, It         : is 

a. I am smart
b. She is a student
c. They are here
d. The earth is round
e. Cika is pretty
f. Cika and Shanty are smart

If you want to change the nominal sentence into negative or interrogative, here is the example:
(+) She is pretty
(-) She is not pretty
(?) Is she pretty?
     Yes, she is
      No, she is not/ No, she isn't

2. The Formula of Verbal Sentence

Subject + Verb 1 (+s/es) + Complement



For the subject I, You, We, or They, the verb is without s/es and they use auxiliary 'do' for negative and interrogative sentence.
For the subject She, He, or It, the verb is with s/es and they use auxiliary 'does' for negative and interrogative sentence.

a. I speak English
b. You speak English
c. We speak English
d. They speak English
e. She speaks English
f. He speaks English
g. Dika speaks English
h. Dika and his family speak English

If you want to change the sentence into negative or interrogative, here is the way:
(+) They speak English
(-) They do not speak English
(?) Do they speak English?
Yes, they do
No, they do not/ No, they don't

(+) She speaks English
(-) She does not speak English
(?) Does she speak English?
Yes, she does
No, she does not/ No, she doesn't

So far, have you understood? Yes? Good. Happy learning...... :)


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